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Friday, 8 April 2016




2.1              Conceptual Framework

This chapter presents a review of previous studies related to this present study. The chapter constitutes examination of studies related to privatization of public enterprises.  

Privatization can be defined as the transfer of ownership and control of enterprises from the state to the private sector. Iheme (2005) defines privatization as any of a variety of measures adopted by the government to expose a public enterprise to competition to bring in private ownership and control or management into a public enterprise and accordingly to reduce the usual weight of public ownership or control or management.

By section 14 of the Decree 25, privatization is the relinquishment of part or all the equity and other interest held by the federal government or its agency in enterprises whether wholly or partly owned by the federal government.

According to Ejimofe (2000), the term privatization means the transfer of power and functions from the public sector, through the government to the private sector. He further stated that privatization should lead to the general and financial independence of a company, without dependence on subsidies or grants from the government.

Orjih (2001) said that privatization is the relinquishing of part or all the equity and other interest held by the Federal government or its agencies in enterprises whether wholly or partly owned by the federal government. He went further to identify two forms of privatization as:

a.                  Full  Privatization:  This   is   the   divestment   by   federal government    of  all  its  ordinary  shareholding  designated enterprises.            Mostly affected are enterprises  which  produce goods that are not essential in nature.

b.                  Partial Privatization: This involves divestment by the Federal Government of part of its ordinary share holding in designated enterprises. The enterprises affected are the ones government considers straight for their essential goods and services. In a related development, Bakome (2008) also identified some forms of privatization, which include a complete form of selling government owned public enterprises to private buyers and remove government completely from any involvement in the affairs of such firms.

Another form of privatization according to him is to retain government ownership of the enterprises which it is allowed to be run and managed on purely commercial basis just like any other private business. Yet another form of privatization according to him is by way of sharing ownership of enterprises between the public and the private sector while leaving the day-to-day running of the enterprises in the heads of private administrators. He further said that deregulation can be considered as another form of privatization.

2.2              Theoretical Framework

According to Ogban-Iyam (2007) who sees theory as a set of interrelated concepts that are used to explain, describe, interpret and predict the relationship between phenomena or variables, theory helps to provides us with a way of looking at the real world.
Here, Structural –Functional theory is used as a suitable framework of analysis for the policy of privatization and commercialization of public enterprises in Nigeria. Structural-Functionalism is a theoretical framework intended to explain the bases for maintaining order and stability in society and relevant arrangement within the society.

This theory originated in the biological and medical science.  It was adopted as a mode of analysis in sociology and anthropology as evidence in the work of Emile Durkhim and Talcott Parson. It was developed for political analysis by Gabriel Almond, S. P. Verma who stressed that Structural –Functionalism involves two main concepts, such as structures and functions. Structure refers to the arrangement within the system which perform the functions.  Also, structure is the way in which the parts are connected together in order to be arranged or organized.  Function has been defined by Merton Robert as those observed consequences which for the adoption or adjustment of a given system.

According to Orah Young (2001), function is generally defined as the objective consequences of a pattern of action for the system in which it occurs.   The basic assumption of the structural functional framework is that all system has structures which can be identified and these structures perform functions within the system necessary for its persistence.   It refers to the structures that are found in any system and functions performed by structures. This political system is defined as the various structures and institutions in the society that perform political functions or that bear on political decision making policy.   

In analysis, there are three branches or structures of government such as legislature, executive and Judiciary. The structure can be analyzed from three main levels as person, institution and subsystems. The whole of structure is analyzed into parts each dealing with a particular sphere of activities for instance political, economic and social subsystem.  Therefore, structure of government lead to substructure. It is the government and their bureaucracy that makes rules, administering, adjudicating and formulated those economic policies by the executive for economic growth of the country. 
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