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Thursday, 7 April 2016


1.0 Introduction
The research reviews literature and detailed discussion of what the definition of small scale enterprises, its characteristic, advantage and disadvantages. Problems of small scale business government incentives. Failure signs and causes of failure will be extensively in expounded in this chapter.        
2.1     Definition Of Small Scale Business
The definition of small scale enterprises varies across the nation and the level of development at a given period of time in practice, many standards have been adopted at various time to fit particular government assistance, programmes legislation or research studies thus, no univocal definition accepted. The institute for research studies centre for management science of Delf University, Netherlands, in 1996 defines small scale business as “any business in which the manager personally influence decision making without actually taking part in the production” following this definition small scale centre can be classified under three group first, handcraft and cottage industries which usually are establishments employing up to nine person, second, small scale industries which are establishment employing 10 – 19 persons. Third, medium scale industries which are establishment employing 2,80 persons or more.
Nicolas C. Siropohis (1977: 42) shows the generic term associated to the small scale business in a attempt towards a definition. He contends however with the fact that small scale business has no universal accepted, definition. Yet he provided a working considerable size. Capable of its total assets measuring the owner equity taken proper records of the yearly sales and limited number of its employees in Nigeria the industrial research centre at Ile Ife define a small scale business industry as one whose total assets in capital are less than employing fewer than so full – time workers this may be household, a college, a craft or a factory industry and may or may not use multi power.
The Cross river state government use the definition as given by the third national development plan “All the unit in Cross river state included in the industrial directory are within our definition of small scale industries (Cross River state of Nigeria official document No 5 of 1977) thus the definition of small scale industries is a capital investment not exceeding or service activity with equipment” The national Development plan (1975 – 1980) But the most current definition given by the federal government in 1996 budget by the minister of finance chief Anthony Ani defined small scale business as any business with annual turnover above N1 million”.

Many other authors also define small scale business in their various ways. Thus HW Brown and JH Longenecker (1971: 246) also expressed their views on small scale business. Accordingly to their “A business may be described as small when compared to large firm but large when compared with smaller ones.Due to inflationary trends we shall adopt the definition given by the federal government (minister of finance) for the purpose of this study.
To sum up. It will be observed that small scale business enterprises does not have a generally accepted definition but can be defined base on the person perception and the level of development attained in that particular area in which the definition is being applied to this end, one can easily say that there are as many definition of small scale business as there are different economic system all over the world.
2.2     Characteristics Of Small Scale Business Enterprises
In discussing the characteristic of small scale business enterprises we adopt the work of Inuoha (1994) and N,wachukwu (1990) before discussing their characteristics, it will be pertinent to mention some business that can be operated under small scale as complied by Mr. A.O Akinyemi, in Nigeria entrepreneur (June 1998) which are as follows:
·        Agricultural and Agro – Allied industries
·        Leather industry
·                  Paper product
·        Textile and associated industry metal and engineering
·        Service enterprises
There is still other business that could be operated under small scale business like wood and wood work, traditional draft and cultural heritage, small business in Nigeria are characterised by simple management, finance and production techniques. Apart from these characteristics. There are other distinguishing characteristics.  The manager/proprietor handle or supervisors financing production, marketing and personnel of the enterprise.

·        Lower Capital Investment
The small business general operates at a lower cost due to relatively low investment in plants and equipment. it is also apply simple and appropriate technology where necessary and appropriate the organization fall within the financial reach of any potential investors and the demand for sponsors of equity is not too tasking.

In area where there is scarcity of indigenous entrepreneurial skills small enterprises established for relatively little capital investment can serve as training ground for the development of entrepreneurial skill.
·        Flexibility Of Management
Small business does not require the specialization of the modern complex management techniques since small business is flexible it can be operated 5/so easily by any individual that wishes to go into the small sale business enterprises.
·        Responsiveness To Local Needs
Most customers are loyal to certain business because of the clo9se personal relationship between the owner and employee .This in part is due to the fact that the business response to the local peculiarities of the community where the business is located.
·        Contribution To Economic Development
The raw materials of most small scale business are sourced locally and could save some foreign exchange for the government. They are labour intensive and therefore more employment potential, which means that they are likely to have a light capacity of job creation for the unemployed.
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