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Wednesday 4 November 2015


This book “the Other Woman in Marriage” stresses on “Strange Women” and the marriage institution as a whole.  As we read on, the terms “the Other Woman” and “Strange Woman” will be used interchangeably as they constitute major discourse.  

Disagreements are common between married couples-including very happy ones, but it could be approached in variety of ways. The way and manner couples handle disagreements may well influence their long-term happiness and togetherness.

The ability to handle situations in your marriage makes you a real husband and not a man.  There are plenty men out there and there are husbands out there, too.  Husbands are those who know what marriage is all about.  They know the biblical definition of marriage – marriage is beautiful and is ordained by God.  

Shying away from your responsibilities as a husband only makes you vulnerable to these Strange Women.  Problems are inevitable in a marriage no matter how anointed you are.  In fact, problems are spices that garnish the marriage.  If well handled, it strengthens the marriage - it brings understanding, maturity and unity into the marriage. There must be a problem before victory – you can’t be a victor over nothing.

On the other hand, if a problem is not well managed or handled in a marriage, it could escalate and give birth to grief, fight, disunity etc..  The moment there is grief, fight and disunity in a home, God’s presence ceases to exist in that home and that gives room to the devil to be in charge.  It is either God or the devil – the choice is yours.

Conflict is common and some of us have had a plateful of it in our marriages to be sincere.  Although some of our experiences have not been pretty, but we must stand gallant always for our marriage to flourish.
We all know that marriage involves two people from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and personalities. Some with awful habits, interesting idiosyncrasies, gluttony, snoring devices, bunch of expectations and with the much heat of daily trials of life, we are bound to have conflict unavoidably.
Since every marriage has its tensions, it is a question of how to deal with the situations as conflict can lead to a process that develops oneness or division. You and your spouse must behave maturely when conflict occurs as divorce is not an option for Christians.
Marriage offers a tremendous opportunity to do something about selfishness and self-centeredness. We have seen the Bible’s plan work in our lives and we’re still seeing it work daily. The answer for ending selfishness is found in Jesus and His teachings-He showed us that instead of wanting to be served, we must serve. We must love our spouses as much as we love ourselves. Consequently, if we want to defeat conflict, we must give up, give in, and give all. 
Strange Women are beckoned by our attitude or character of selfishness and self-centeredness in marriage.  We invite them by our actions.  Going to drinking joints as a husband and head of the house because you claim to be the tail that wags the big dog is one of the ways you invite these women into your life and your marriage. 

My late friend, Mr. Elo Abiegbe, had the opportunity to review scientific evidence before his death on the consequences of marriage for adults with one of the leading Universities in the world and what he found was so remarkable. Quietly, with little fanfare, a broad and deep body of scientific literature has been accumulating that affirms what Genesis teaches; “it is not good for a man to be alone nor woman neither”.

Marriage today is often seen as a consumption item - a financial burden and for that singular reason many refused to be married and are now doing it the other way round – something that kindled God’s anger to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.

Especially for men, marriage is a productive institution as important as education in boosting a man's earnings. Marriage is good, beautiful and it is ordained by God to succeed and your marriage will succeed in Jesus name. 

To order for this book, contact;  Israel O. Ugbo; 07069373637, 08056128950 or email:

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