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Wednesday 11 November 2015


The issue of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development have attracted worldwide attention, especially in the media and in academia. A modern business organizations expectation is beyond making and maximizing profit towards being socially responsible to the society. Since business organizations do not exist in isolation but exist within a society, therefore business organizations need to contribute positively to the development of society in which they operate.  Building and Construction  sector occupies important key position in the economy of the nation.

Nigerian building and construction sector efforts on social responsibility have produced multiplier effects on the sustainable development. These social responsibilities costs them some expenses which have effects on their financial performance. Many empirical studies have been carried out in order to examine the effect of corporate social responsibility on profitability of business organisation, especially in developed countries. Why little studies were carried out in developing countries, Nigeria inclusive. It is against this background that this proposed research study tries to examine the impact of corporate social responsibility on business organization, and determine whether or not there is a significant relationship between corporate social responsibility and profitability.

Like many of management and social science concepts, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is fraught with definitional problems, which makes it difficult for a uniform platform to asses firm’s responsibilities to it. Musa (2008:540) conceives a firm as nothing other than an instrument to achieving economic efficiency, cost reduction, and thus wealth maximization, which is the view of the classical economists.

Since a lot of companies see Corporate Social Responsibility as a financial burden, this proposed study will investigate the benefits accruable from the adoption Corporate Social Responsibility strategy by companies using Julius Berger PLC, Abuja as a case study. The basic questions had been what relationship exists between corporate social responsibility and organization performance? In which key areas of operations should the organization formulate Corporate Social Responsibility? What specific ways has the organization adopted in integrating the Corporate Social Responsibility with its operations? And how can the Corporate Social Responsibility improved upon in other to improve the organization’s performance?

The broad objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on business Organizational using Julius Berger PLC, Abuja as a case study and using it to draw a relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and the growth and development of companies. Derived from the above broad objective are the following specific objectives:

1.           To identify the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and organizational performance.

2.           To identify the key areas in which Julius Berger PLC formulate their Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.

3.           To examine the specific ways that Julius Berger PLC has adopted in integrating the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy with the organizations operations.

4.           To identify how the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy can be improve upon in order to improve organizational performance.

Corporate social responsibility is a fundamental issue that needs to be addressed in order to ensure any organizations long term success. This study will be of immense benefit to students, privately owned businesses and public corporations.

Specifically, this study will be of great significance to directors, managers and executive officers in all business organizations. The study will also be beneficial to government agencies, students and research fellows.

For directors, mangers and executive officers in business organizations, the study will help them to discover the true essence of Corporate Social Responsibility, its working principles and how it can be used to enhance organizational performance both on short and long tern basis. The study will help them determine how to work in harmony and to operate their businesses within ethical standards. For government agencies, the study will help them apply the existing policies relating to Corporate Social Responsibility and organizational activities, thereby, determining areas requiring improvement.
Finally, students, including research fellows will find the study very beneficial in the area of future studies and referral reports.

The overall objectives of every organization are survival, growth, profit, economic contribution and social obligation. It is a known fact that organizations in Nigeria usually lay more emphasis on profit maximization.  Thus, the objective of this research work includes the following:

i.                    To appraise the general attitude of organizations towards corporate social responsibility.

ii.                  To examine the consequences on their image for ignoring its corporate social responsibilities.

iii.                To evaluate the problems which hinder them from performance their corporate social responsibility.

iv.                To recommend possible solutions for the identified problems.


Based on the research questions already mentioned, the following Hypotheses were formulated:  
There are two types of hypothesis, the Null hypothesis H0 that takes the negative form and the Directional or Alternative hypothesis H1 that takes the positive form.
Ho:      Corporate social responsibility has no significant impact on the organization’.

Hi:       Corporate social responsibility has significant impact on the organization

The research study is to investigate the impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility on organization’s image.  However, to cover the entire private or public service in Nigeria will be cumbersome.  Thus, the researchers selected Julius Berger Plc, Abuja, which the researcher could conveniently cover as a case study.  Because of resource constraints, Julius Berger Plc, Abuja, was studied and on this organization that the data will relate.  All the departments and cadres of employees were covered in the study to examine the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organization.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a concept has no consensus definition. Various writers defined it based on their background, interest, exposure, as well as values embodied in the writer’s frame of reference. Corporate social or corporate social performance are duties perform by organizations to the society in which they are operate, such as protection of the environment, provision of social amenities, health and safety, and so on. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2001) defined CSR as “the commitment of business to orking with employees, their families and the local communities. Jamali and Mirshak (2006) explained that CSR represents a concern with the needs and goals of society which goes beyond the merely economic. The European whereby Union a (200 company integrates social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis as they are increasingly aware that responsible behaviour leads to sustainable business success.

The corporate social responsibility means: -Organization responding positively to emerging societal priorities and expectations. -Conducting business in an ethical way and in the interests of the external environment. -Balancing the shareholders’ with the interests of other stakeholders inter the society. The idea of CSR implies how organization can manages its business process to produce an overall positive impact on society. It also means how organization behave ethically and contribute to economic development of society by improving the quality of life of the local community and society at large. The CSR are set of standards that company subscribes to in order to make positive impact on society. It also means how organization behave ethically and contribute to economic development of society by improving the quality of life of the local community and society at large.
This section describes the research design area of the research work intended to be carried out, population of the study, sample and sampling procedure / technique, instrument for data collection, method of data collection and method of data analysis. This proposed research will be carried out predominately on Julius Berger Plc,  Abuja and it is on this organization  that the data will relate.
The type of research design that will be used in this proposed research work is descriptive survey. This descriptive survey will be used on the study “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organization ( A case study of Julius Berger Plc, Abuja).  The instrument for data collection will be interview and questionnaire as well as contributions from various writers.

In determining the sample size, selected persons will be administered with questionnaires and interview will be done by simple random sampling without replacement.
To get the opinion of the cross section of persons, the researcher intends to divide the population into various segments.
The researcher will take cognizance of the descriptive nature of the proposed research work and will apply it for the completion of the project. The main methods of data collection that will be considered will be primary and secondary data.
The method of data presentation which will be used by the researcher is the tabular method and percentages. The tabular method involves the systematic arrangement of facts and figures in series of boxes made up of rows and columns.
The percentage will show relative values of responses in percentages and the researcher intends to use Chi-square (X2) formula in testing the validity of the hypotheses.
The collection of data is the most crucial operation in the execution of a research because such data are necessary for arriving at the solution of the problem to be investigated. The instrument for data collection will be interview and questionnaire as well as contributions from various writers.
Based on the above, when the proposed research study is concluded, the researcher will be able to summarize the findings, make recommendation,  proffer solution where necessary  and make suggestions for further studies etc.


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