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Sunday, 16 October 2022




1.1 Background to the Study 

Human Resource Development (HRD) is a relatively new area of professional practice and academic study. Over the past two decades, human resource development has become the fastest growing area of management development, due to the great interest of organizations in the face of intense competition and changes in the business environment (Kareem, 2017). HRD has advanced beyond the narrow view of simply training and has evolved into a more complete approach to learning and developing knowledge at the individual and organizational level (Mittal, 2013). Nguyen (2018)defined human resource development as the process of developing and/or unleashing human expertise through organization development and personnel training and development for the purposes of improving performance.


The twenty-first-century challenges such as globalization, technology and demographic changes have forced organizations to strive constantly searching for innovative ways to achieving the superior results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness and improving competitiveness with current employees (Lyons, 2016).As a result, the concept of human resource development (HRD) has emerged as a strategy to improve the competence of the employees and for enhancement of organizational effectiveness. 

The integrated use of human resource development practices such as training and development, organizational development, talent development, and career development play key role in creating new competencies, capabilities, and attitude that influence on employee’s performance to achieve organizational goals (Alagaraja, 2013). 

More and more organizations are investing in human resource as a means to increase their competitiveness (Bergerand  Berger, 2011). Human resources development plays a vital role in achieving sustainable competitive advantage and enhances organizational effectiveness. Human resource development is a systematic process aimed at improving competences of the individual and group through training and development, career development, and organizational development practices to achieve superior performance (Nadler, 2012). 

Seven-Up Bottling Company is one of the producers of soft drinks in Kaduna, Nigeria. The company was previously quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange and it is one of the biggest producers of soft drinks in Kaduna and Nigeria at large such as Pepsi, 7UP, Mirinda, Team, and Mountain Dew among others. 

The company has other plants apart from the one in Kaduna which are strategically situated  across several regions in Nigeria. Thus, the study aims to examine the impact of human resource development (HRD) on employee’sproductivity. On the basis, the current study has been planned to study the relationship between HRD, employee and organizational productivity in the Seven up Bottling Company Kaduna.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The soft drinks industry in Nigeria is competitive among various companies which 7UP is one of them.  

The problem of increase competition to have the better share of the market has necessitated training and development of human capital being the major asset of the company.  Consequently, human resources is the most important resources in every organization owing to the fact that without human resources, other resources would not be able to function properly.  The problem of untrained human resources could have significant impact on the performance of 7UP Company in the areas of production, customer’s satisfaction, management of internal and external business environment.  Therefore, 7UP and many organizations today that are faced with various problems such as low productivity, sales, and inability to compete with other organizations due to lack of training and development of their human resources (Alagaraja,2013).Human Resource Development has greater impact  on organization’s success or failure. If employees are not welled trained, it will be detrimental to both the employees and the organization’s productivity. 

Poor performance, role conflict and inability to understand assigned tasks are problems associated with lack of human resources development in organizations.  There is need to train employees quarterly or yearly in order to get the best from them and meet the organization’s objectives.  

The ever changing business environment necessitates continuous training and development of the human resources in order to keep up with day to day trends and activities of the business (Berger and Berger, 2011). It is against this background that this study seeks to examine the effect of human resources development on employee productivity in Seven Up Bottling Company Kaduna. 

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