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Saturday, 15 October 2022




1.1. Background to the Study

Various debates and arguments from several scholars such as (Ahvenniemi et al., 2017; Batagan, 2011; Nam and Pardo, 2011) on the sustainable environment have been in the academic domain lately owing to the increasing human activities and its impact on the environment.  Environmental sustainability as a concept is conscientiously interacting with the earth to preserve natural resources and not endanger the capability for future generations to meet their needs (Shahi, 2012).  Furthermore, environmental sustainability forms theconsciousnesson production and adoption of required resources for housing, industrial, transport, commercial, or recreational processes. As stated by United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, environmental sustainability is ensuring that generations to come have natural resources left to live an equal or better quality life as this generation.


The smart city is an emerging and evolving term based on the advancement and development of technologiesto turn the environmental problems experienced in this 21st century related with urbanization into resourceful, sustainable management and urban environmental planning (Yuan and, 2014). Wise use of natural resources and emerging technologies will assist ina sustainable environment and quality of life.Smart city as aconcept deals with urbanization issues by building integrated, long-term, cost-effective, and friendly environmentalsolutions meeting the urban dwellers' needs for both now and the future (Nam and Pardo, 2011).

A well-implemented smart city program needs anall-inclusive image of the urban environment affected by their application. From a holistic view, smart city projectsensuring that cities are rebuilt as sustainable and feasible on a long-term smart ecosystem taking into consideration the environment (Mori and Christodoulou, 2012).   However, the question, how can architecture proffer this solution? Nevertheless, in recent times, the introduction and adoption of contemporary sustainability permita new solution to the decline of conventional inner-city neighborhoods. Sustainability is a major issue for addressing various environmental challenges. Housing, Malls, complexes, schools, and other buildings building with cost-effective maintenance and fewer energy costs will not deplete the resources of the owners be it publicly or privately owned (Allam, and Newman, 2018).  Furthermore, less energy and material demands is a significant objective for ensuring environmental sustainability since it is cardinal to architectural ability to proffer solutions to global climate change. It assists in better tackling the constantchallenges of offering all people clean air, clean water, and environment (Hollands, 2015).

The global population predicted up to 7 billion in 2050 and 70% level of urbanization shows that the sustainability of urban space is a major element in world resilience to helpful changes (UNHS, 2011).  It is pertinent to note that urbanization despite enormous accomplishments for the human race, has resulted in problems and problems that, despite the vast scientific and technical advances, the answers to some of these problems have met with failure. 

Currently, cities consume 75% of the world’s energy and generate a huge level of waste and 70% of greenhouse gas emanate from cities (Anthopoulos and Fitsilis, 2013), with a significant impact on climate change, and air pollution. Conversely, this increasing growth of cities is not relative to the ability to increase the infrastructure and imposes a growing weight on urban infrastructure. Therefore, cities are faced with multifaceted and prevalent problems that are interconnected. Put differently, the huge buildup of residents has resulted in disturbances and disorderly situations that have caused not only the collapse of the balance of cities but also the attainment of environmental sustainability. Consequently, urban planners globally strive to design models for the building of 21st-century cities to meet the expectation of the current world with an all-inclusive look at all scopes of urbanization. 

Smart cities emerged owing to the adoption of digital information, and in the context of this thesis, energy use, and urban governance and it is against this background that this paper seeks to assess Smart City Concepts concerning environmental sustainability of Lagos (Nigeria) and Bosporus, Istanbul (Turkey) metropolis. 

1.2. Statement of the Problem

There has been a huge challenge and change in the environment owing to the increasing rate of urbanization (UNHS, 2011). Human activities and their quest to attain a quality of life havea detrimental impact on the environment atbothnational and international levels (Sadowski, 2016). Problems such as global warming, climate change among others have been in the frontline of controversial debates in contemporary times owing to their effects on the environment and human life. 

Globally, there are various challenges cities face due to increasing urbanization. Daily, an estimated 150,000 residents are added to the urban areas through migration and births. However, owing to climate change and other environmental challenges, cities are demanded to become progressivelysmart and take proactive steps to meet stern targets imposed by commitments and legal obligations. Various developing and developed cities as the core compact dwelling of human beings have a remarkableimpact on environmental changes (Viitanen and Kingston, 2014). Despite the industrial economy in modern cities have been replaced by the service sector, the level of resource usage is still escalating (Zygiaris, 2013). 

The problem of urbanization has called for the need for developing the Lagos and Bosporus, Istanbulmetropolis into a smart city using architecture as passive tools right from the design stage alongside the use of technologies and inventories as active measures to solve the problems associated with urbanization, congestion, and pollution and it is against this backdrop that this study seeks to assess Smart City Concepts concerning environmental sustainability of Lagos (Nigeria) andBosporus, Istanbul (Turkey) metropolis. 

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