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Friday 16 February 2018


1.0.0   Introduction
The origin of "human rights" lies in the nature of human beings[1]. Human rights belong to every member of the human family. This is regardless of sex, political opinion, race, socio-economic group, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other status.   They are rights that are inherent to all human beings. Human rights are all universal, interrelated, interdependent, and indivisible.[2] They are universal because they apply to all people simply based on being human. They are inalienable since a person seeking them does not take the rights away to exercise their rights whether one likes them or not. They are only limited in certain tightly defined circumstances and some rights, such as the prohibition on torture and slavery are never limited.[3] They are indivisible since one does not choose or handpick which rights they want to honor or dishonor. Many rights depend on each other to be meaningful, for example, the right to fair trial would be meaningless without the prohibition on discrimination, and the right to free speech must go hand in hand with the right to assemble peacefully.

1.1.0    Background to the Study

Indefinite detention violates the constitution and bills of rights of most coun­tries, as well as a number of international treaties[4]. Norms, of course, are subject to interpretation. The case-law provides concrete illustration and further devel­opment of the codified norms.

In the context of the “terrorism” some countries have adopted legislation allowing the indefinite detention of terrorism suspects. Particularly worrisome are certain pieces of legislation adopted in countries that are bound by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the American Convention on Human Rights[5].

In the United Kingdom the 11 Muslim detainees in the Belmarsh prison case, most of whom have been held since December 2001, successfully chal­lenged their indefinite detention without trail and obtained a favourable ruling from the House of Lords on 16 December 2004, which reversed the Court of Appeal find­ing of October 2002 that indefinite detention was compatible with the United Kingdom’s human rights obligations[6].

It is now up to the British Parliament to repeal or modify Article 23 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act of 2001 (ATCSA), which the Lords have ruled to be incompatible with the British Human Rights Act and with the European Convention on Human Rights.
In par­ticular, the Lords found that indefinite detention and closed trails discriminates on the grounds of nationality (Article 14 of the ECHR), because it applies only to foreign nation­als suspected of terrorism, notwithstanding a comparable threat from terrorism suspects holding United Kingdom nationality. 

Persons suspected of terrorism in the United States have been similarly subjected to indefinite detention and closed trails.  More than 700 persons were held as terrorism suspects at the United States naval base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba[7].  In a number of early cases, several federal district and circuit courts held that the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights did not apply to aliens detained in Guantánamo, who did not even have the right to habeas cor­pus. They were deemed to be in a “legal black hole.” [8]

On 28 June 2004, by a six to three judgment, the Supreme Court of the United States rejected the fiction of the legal black hole and held that the per­sons being held in Guantánamo Bay are entitled to counsel and to challenge the legality of their detention.[9]  Persons deprived of their liberty are never de jure in a black hole. In principle, they enjoy legal protection under at least two legal regimes — municipal law and international human rights law. In times of armed conflict, they are also entitled to the additional protection of a third legal regime, that of international humanitarian law.

However, de facto tens of thousands of persons throughout the world are subjected to indefinite detention with closed trails, frequently incommunicado, and govern­ments try to justify such irregular imprisonment on the basis of “national secu­rity,” “state of emergency,” “illegal migration” and other so-called extraordinary circumstances. It is on this background that this study seeks to analyze the human rights implication of the detention and closed trails of terrorists under the Terrorism ACT 2013.

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[1] Dakas C.J Dakas(2013), ‘’Nigeria’s Anti- Terrorism Laws and Practices: The Imperative of Mainstreaming Human   Rights into Counter- Terrorism Administration,
[2] Okorie Hagler(2014),’ Deconstructing The Terrorism (Prevention) (Amendment) Act 2013’ ABSUJL 4
[3] Okoronye Innocent , Terrorism in International Law, (Whytem Publisher 2013) 7
[4] Omotola S John(2003). ’Combating international Terrorism’ 29 NJIA 12, 284  
[5] Ogbu O Nna (2009)., Human Rights Law & Practice in Nigeria: An Introduction, ( CIDJAP Press,) 358.
[6] Utume, D Alfred. ‘International Terrorism: What Policy options for its control’ (2005)NIIA 31.
[7] Banjo Williams (2008) ‘Terrorism: A Short Overview’;19 NIIA 11, 12
[8] Juliet Luck, (2001) Terrorism: A Challenge to the State ( 1st edn, Oxford)  
[9] Ibid

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