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Monday 4 December 2017

the Impact of Hayin Gwari Halal Cooperative Multi-purpose Society, Minna, on poverty alleviation.

1.1       Background to the Study
Cooperation is rooted in the tendency to live together and assist one another. It is a positive action geared towards making life worth living and beneficial to the citizenry. When cooperation becomes firm and strong, it elicits peace, safety and progression (Abba, 2013). It engenders robust consideration for the interests of the members of a given association and consequently emphasizes a great deal on the social wellbeing of virtually all members in cooperation . Cooperation is a phenomenon that denotes any form of working together voluntarily by persons or individuals to achieve common goals . To narrow it down, cooperative refers to the activities of an association of persons with similar social, cultural and economic needs who willingly came together satisfy these needs in solidarity. In other words, it came into existence as a result of reactions against capitalism, competition and injustice that are associated with them. It is purely service-delivery .
Significantly, cooperative members are noted to pull their resources together for the satisfaction of their members’ identified needs. It is therefore, the best way to tackle the perennial economic problem of a developing country like Nigeria where a great percentage of people like below poverty line. This is probably what informed the Federal Government to formulate a policy guideline in 1979 that at least 25% of Nigerians should become members of Cooperative Societies . Okechukwu (2001) stated that the Danish people saw in the cooperative easier way of improving their national economy, especially after the war with Germany and their humiliating defeat which contributed to national poverty. They went into promoting economic interest of their people . The Swedish people embraced cooperation because of the need to also improve the economic interest of their citizens. Everybody was made to participate in one form of chosen economic activity or the other .
The origin of cooperation could be traced to the period of industrial revolution in Great Britain which gave rise to associations like the Chartist Movement, Corn Mill, Banking Societies and several others. Despite the fact that some of these associations failed in their struggles, their coming together left a legacy to be remembered; and it consequently attracted attention in the history book. Government, on its part, made some laws to guide against poverty. A formidable and first successful cooperative society came into existence in 1884. It was known as the Rochadale Equitable Pioneers. It was made up of 28 weavers which included 27 men and a woman. In subsequent years, other associations sprang up all over Europe, particularly in France, Germany, Denmark, etc. The success story of these societies or association, which then flourished, was attributed to the efforts of the Rochadale and others to fashion out rules, regulation and guidelines for cooperatives which were eventually known as the Cooperative Principles. Another interesting aspect of the origin of cooperatives in Europe was the emergence of men of good will, the philanthropists, who took it upon themselves to use their human and material resources as well as their wealth to champion the cause of cooperatives.

Modern cooperatives started in Nigeria as far back as 1907 in the West. The first cooperative to be formed was the Agege Planters Union – a formidable society with robust principles and sound practice. Its membership were mainly Nigerians who were put at about 400 cocoa farmers. It operated on a commercial level and was very successful. It made frantic efforts to get recognition from the British colonial government in Nigeria but all to no avail. It engendered other regions to set up their own cooperative societies, apparently due to its massive wealth and influence. In its bid to get registered, it also sought the support of other societies to pressurize the government to register it. It invited the Egba Societies in 1911. Yet, the government still maintained its ground. However, it (government) made a joint venture arrangement with all the cooperatives in 1922.
Cooperative societies are avenues people use to maximize financial benefits and seek for ways and means of coming together with a common objective of changing the members’ economic conditions and living standards. Being a part of, or a member of a cooperative society, an individual could access loans or other facilities to advance many ventures, address some financial problems and achieve some financial benefits . Today, many cooperative societies in Nigeria have created initiatives which, in some cases, were supported by the government, to play significant roles in giving necessary assistance to the cooperatives, non-governmental organisations, women groups, clubs and other groups. These efforts are geared towards reducing the effects of poverty, and making positive impact on the lives of their members. Some identified advantages of cooperative societies include, learning and forming the habit of savings, promotion of unity among members, exposure, exchange of ideas and enjoying other benefits of coming together to form a group, and reduction of poverty .
1.2       Statement of the Problem
It may be an actuality that cooperatives abound all over to huge numbers polities What's more altogether investment parts for countries. They react adequately of the regularly evolving needs of the people. Because of the opposition of the impacts about globalisation, kin keep to decide cooperatives will deliver their necessities. On huge numbers countries, people bring started the transform for securing new helpful ventures done regions for example, such that majority of the data innovation organization What's more social mind. Ladies What's more young people need aid also locked in to huge numbers Undertakings of their own utilizing subsidizes Gave on them by their cooperatives, therefore making new occupations and chances. The agreeable playing point extends of the clients from claiming cooperatives Also Surely of the groups Previously, which they work. They set business norms Toward placing under act their qualities Also morals. Previously, exactly societies, they would also see likewise pioneers for pushing nourishment wellbeing What's more security, Furthermore also Previously, ensuring nature. On different climes, they would include in fabricating serene social orders Eventually Tom's perusing pushing seeing What's more coordinated effort Around individuals of separate social What's more money experiences.
It is therefore, a veritable institution of addressing the problem of poverty in many developing countries. The Nigerian government at all levels saw the need to promote the use of cooperatives in reducing poverty in the country. But then, cooperatives in the country are still faced with a lot of problems, which include in the main, lack of access to credit facilities, lack of capital, poor mismanagement, falsification of figures, and massive engagement in other forms of corrupt practices. Today, efforts are being made by stakeholders of cooperative in Nigeria to remove or reduce these problems. There is also an apparent consensus that the need for adequate and sufficient knowledge of the roles of cooperatives in poverty alleviation is imperative. In the main, there is the need to identify and analyse in sufficient details those cooperative activities and functions that bear directly on the economic empowerment of their members, and also identify the factors that could promote and enhance cooperative efforts in poverty reduction. The emphasis on cooperative as a poverty alleviation platform may continue to be unrealistic if these issues are not taken into cognizance.

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