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Saturday 16 September 2017

Assignment: Distinguish between a leader and a manager

Katz, (2005).  defined the management as exercising direction of a group or organization through executive, administrative, and supervisory positions. Katz thought that management responsibilities are usually tasked-oriented, and it involves developing staff, mentoring persons with high potential, and resolving conflicts while maintaining ethics and discipline (Katz, 2005). Kappa (1991) states that the aim from a good management is to provide services to the community in an efficient and sustainable manner. Moreover, Kotter (2001), defined the management as a job which takes care of planning, organizing, budgeting, coordinating and monitoring activities for group or organization. Northouse (2007), defined the management as a process by which definite set objectives are achieved through the efficient use of resources.

Thus, Management in general is a process that is used to achieve organizational goals. Managers focus on formal directing and controlling of their assistants, resources, structures, and systems (Kotter, 2001). Managers aim to reach short term goals, avoid any risks, and establish standardization to improve efficiency (Kotterman, 2006). The employees follow a manager’s direction in exchange for being paid a salary, known as a transactional style (Kotter, 2001).

Research shows that being an effective manager depends upon three special skill sets: technical, human and conceptual. The technical skill refers to the proficiency in a specific type of work. This may include competencies within a specialized field, or the ability to use appropriate tools and techniques. Human skill refers to the ability to work with people, which allow a manager to assist group members to complete a task. Conceptual skill refers to the ability to work with ideas (Katz, 2005). In addition, an effective manager needs to have specific qualities like: good communication; organizational; negotiation; and delegation skills (Kappa, 2001).

Leadership is a complex, multidimensional phenomena (DePree, 2009). It has been defined as: a behavior; a style; a skill; a process; a responsibility; an experience; a function of management; a position of authority; an influencing relationship; a characteristic; and an ability (Northouse, 2007). John Maxwell defined leadership by influence (Maxwell, 2008).

Kotter (2000) stated that “Leadership is the capacity for collective action to vitalize”. Robert Greenleaf defined effective leadership as people who serve others, while they follow them (Bennis and Nanus, 2007). Moreover, Peter Drucker defined a leader as someone who has followers (Drucker, 1999).

However, some theorists believe that leadership is a form of the social influence processes (House and Aditya, 2007). Although there are a variety of leadership definitions, the majority of definitions focused on two components which are: the process of influencing a group of individuals to obtain a common goal; and to develop a vision.

Leaders focus on motivation, and inspiration (Kotter, 2000). Leaders aim to create passion to follow their vision, to reach long term goals, take risks to accomplish common goals, and challenge the current status quo (Bennis and Nanus, 2007). The leader keeps an open eye on his followers’ benefits, so people follow the leader voluntarily, and the leader directs the follower by using a transformational style (Bass, 2000). Leaders should have some critical qualities such as integrity; vision; toughness; decisive; trust; commitment; selflessness, creativity; risk taking; toughness; communication ability, and visibility (Capowski, 2004).

Moreover, leaders should have charisma; a sense of mission; ability to influence people in a positive environment; and ability to solve problems (House, 2007).

In addition, research shows that being an effective leader depends upon common behaviors and characteristics like: confidence; service mentality; good coaching skills; reliability; expertise; responsibility; good listening skills; being visionary; realistic; good sense of priorities; honesty; willingness to share; strong self-esteem; technical or contextual, and recognition (Bennis and Nanus, 2007).

Manager vs. Leader
Leader and manager overlap, but they are not the same (Kotterman, 2006). Both leader and manager involve influence, working with people, and working to achieve common goals(The Guardian, 2013).However, the fields of a leader and manager considered very different(Kotterman, 2006).

Katz asserts that leader is some who is a multi-directional influence relation, while a manager is a unidirectional authority relationship (Katz, 2005).

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