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Monday 13 February 2017



2.1 Introduction

In this chapter, related works in the literature as this research work is concerned will be reviewed. This will serve as bases for the whole study i.e. some aspects to be reviewed here will be used in analysing our data in chapter three.

Due to the fact that sociolinguistics is a wide field, mother tongue interference and some other related sociolinguistic aspects (including language acquisition, bilingualism and some others) have been selected for the review.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

Bilingualism and multilingualism are features of sociolinguistics.

According to Coates (1993), Sociolinguistics has been defined as the study of language in its social context. The study of language in its social context means crucially the study of linguistic variation. Coates (1993) also identified two types of variations which are: stylistics variation and social variation.

Mackey (1968:) in Romaine (1989) opines: The study of bilingualism could therefore be said to fall within the field of sociolinguistics in so far as the later is a discipline which is concerned with the ways in which language is used in the society.  Grosjean (1982) estimated that about half the world’s population is bilingual and that bilingualism is present in practically every country of the world. It is very rare to see a country with just a language, even a language has varieties.

McGregor (2009) opines that many speech communities around the world are constituted of individuals who speak two or more shared languages.  The term bilingualism is refered to such situations allowing that more than two languages may be involved: sometimes the term multilingualism is used instead as the cover term. From all the scholars that been quoted above, it is deducible that bilingualism is a situation whereby more than a language is present in a society and multilingualism in its case is referred to as a situation whereby more than two languages are used side by side in a geographical environment.

2.3  Review of Related Literature

Nigeria is a multilingual state with (521) five hundred and twenty one indigenous languages. (Nine of these indigenous languages are dead while we have two languages (French and English) which have no native speakers. However, we have (510) five hundred and ten living languages apart from the dead and the ones whose orthography have not been designed as well as French and English) (Ethnologue; world languages; 2009). With English language co-existing with these languages in a number of situations, in other words, English language (a former colonial language) is being used to transact in the Nigeria society alongside the indigenous languages.

Norbert, (2002), observes that the influence of mother tongue affects learning of another language. Most learners experience problems associated with their mother tongue in learning of second language. Studies by Medubi, (2007), Onike,  (2009) and Romaine,  (2011) point out that first language is a persistent problem in our schools.
According to Romaine, (2011), the situation is worsened by lack of instructional materials for teaching including textbooks. Given that learners’ experience basic problems in second language acquisition a lot needs to be done to overcome such problems (Danuta, 2010).

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