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Friday 23 September 2016



1.0 Introduction

Sales promotion activities are a form of direct advertising designed to stimulate sales mainly by the use of incentives. To embark on any sales promotion, a sales promotion programme must first be developed. This is then pre-tested and then implemented. When the promotion ends the results are evaluated or assessed.

Sales promotion programmes are developed taking into consideration the size of the incentive to be used, condition for participation, how to promote and distribute the programme itself, the length or duration of promotion and sales promotion budget. Sales promotions are pre-tested on a limited basis in selected geographical areas. This is done to find out if the sales promotion tools are appropriate and of the right incentive size. Implementation of promotion is done by formulating plans to cover lead-time (time needed to prepare programme before launching it) and self off time (time from the launch to the end of a promotion).

Evaluation of sales promotion could be done by checking on dealers stock-levels or interviewing a sample of consumers in the target market. However, the most popular method of evaluation is to compare sales and or market share before, during and after a promotion. Sales promotion supports other sales efforts and thus plays an important role in the total promotion mix; hence it must be used well.

1.1 Background to the study

Business organizations promote their products and services by using advertising, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling. Advertising, sales promotion and public relation are described as mass promotion tools. However, Cole (1993) reports that the most widely used are advertising and personal selling.

Kotler and Armstrong (1994) define sales promotion to consist of short –term incentives to encourage purchase or sales of a product or service. Whereas advertising offers reasons to buy a product or service, sales promotion offers reasons to buy now.

Anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a need or a want is known as a product. It usually suggests a tangible or physical object such as a car, a fan, video cassette recorder or a television. A service on the other hand is used to refer to intangible products such as providing a means of transport or communication. Sales promotion includes a wide variety of tools: consumer promotion tools, samples, coupons, rebates, price pack, premiums, contests, patronage awards, advertising specialties and point-of purchase promotions, trade promotion tools – buying allowance, free goods, merchandise allowance, push money, dealer sales contest, sales force promotion tool –bonuses, contest, sales rallies.  Sellers may use consumer promotions to increase short-term market.  The objective may be to entice consumer to try new products, lure consumers form a product  or reward loyal customers. In Ghana, market women, petty traders, hawkers and other sellers practice sales promotion by inflecting the price of their commodities or wares.

This is then reduced upon bargaining with the buyer. The price reduction becomes an incentive to the buyer who then makes a purchase. Others also add a little of the item

being sold (known in local parlance as „ also serves as an incentive to customers. During the barter system, sales promotion was practiced but in a different manner. To entice or win a buyer, a seller of say gold dust would offer his or her product for another of a lesser value. But at a later date, items would be collected from the buyer till such time that the gold dust would have been fully paid for.

Most organizations in Ghana have in the past concentrated on advertising and personal selling to promote their products. However, the use of sales promotion tools has experienced rapid growth in recent times. This is indicated by an increase in the number of sweepstakes and sales contests being organized by business organizations.

This study is thus to identify the forms of sales promotions used in Ghanaian environment by business organization, assess their impact on organizations and society at large, identify loopholes and give recommendations. It is hoped that this work will serve as reference material for other researchers and marketing students.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Firms or companies the world over aim at maximizing profits or to stay in active business. They also aim at satisfying their customers. For this reason, organisations put in measures or programmes that would help them achieve the above mentioned objectives.
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