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Monday 8 August 2016



1.1  Background to the Study
Advertising is a form of communication proposed to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to buy or take some action upon products, ideas, or services. It usually includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer to purchase that particular brand Arens, W.F. (2002). Advertisers often intend to generate increased consumption of their products or services through branding, which involves the repetition of an image or product name in an effort to associate related qualities with the brand in the minds of consumers.
Historically, out-of-home advertising and billboards are the oldest forms of advertising. However, with the passage of time, marketers used print Ads to reach out to its audience at a low cost.  Originally used in the creation of shop signs, advertisement took a revolutionary at the onset of the 21st century, an age bursting with new technologies Max Web Design, (2008).

With mediums such as the radio, television and internet to be projected from, the products were no longer differentiated only by their attributes but also by the benefits that they would give to the consumers - these benefits were made aware of by advertisements Nwaizugbo I.C. (2004) .
Advertisements used in today's world are creative and innovative. Marketers have started thinking out of the box and are coming up with new ideas to create a better perception in minds of the consumers and impress them to buy their products. Nowadays there is a very special emphasis on the content of the advertisements. Advertising is content and content is advertising Tech Dirt, (2008).
There is no such thing as just 'advertising' anymore. It needs to have content that will attract the potential consumers towards it, make them contemplate upon it, change their opinions and eventually make them put forth a purchase. The only way to capture the consumer's attention like this is to make the advertisement entertaining, interesting and relevant.
Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how and where people do or do not buy a product. It deals with psychology, sociology and economics and attempts to understand the buyer decision making process both individually and in groups Shimp T.A. (2000).

Consumer Brand Preference is the measure of brand loyalty in which a consumer will choose  or select a particular brand in presence of competing brands.  The importance of advertising on consumer brand selection is expedient for organizations as it can influence consumers’ decision to purchase its products Armstrong, G. and Kotler, P. (2000).

Advertising is a subset of promotion mix which is one of the Four ’P’s in the marketing mix i.e. product, price, place and promotion. As a promotional strategy, advertising serve as a major tool in creating product awareness and condition the mind of a potential consumer to take eventual purchase decision or selection Belch, G.E. and M. A. Belch. (2005).

Consumer satisfaction depends on their perception and brand preference or selection of the particular brand. In brand preference, advertising plays a major role. Nearly everyone in the modern world is influenced to some degree by advertising. Organizations in both public and private sectors have learned that the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with their target audiences is important to their success Clow, K.E. and R. Back. (2002).

In today’s world, there are a myriad of media outlets-print, radio, and television are competing for consumers’ attention. There are number of creative and attractive advertisements we can see and hear in television, Radio, newspapers and in magazines. Within these media, television advertisements are more attractive and interestingly watched by mass audience. However, organizations want to identify the impact of advertising on consumers brand selection Nwaizugbo I.C. (2004).

Everyone in the society prefers a particular brand. We can see frequent advertisements. Companies spend much on their advertisements to attract more customers. So it is very important to study its’ impact on consumer brand selection O'Guinn, C.T, C.T. Allen and R.J. Semenik. (2000).
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