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Friday 27 March 2015



Surfing the net one day, I found an article on “key ways to be rich”-hmmmmm.  In one of the highlights, I read about how women could be rich- marry a wealthy man, settle down with him for like a year plus, divorce him and be entitled to part of his wealth.  Can you imagine that – it is happening right now even as you are reading this book.  People have been brainwashed to get a divorce paper, serve their spouses and be detached to enjoy life, that “Life is too short - they don’t need all those quandaries in marriage”.  In fact, in that article were examples of celebrities that were victims and more on the row of such divorce.

God ordained the institution of marriage to be a solemn covenant between one man and one woman for life. God warns us in Scripture about the danger of entering into this covenant half-heartedly. Marriage is a stage for sincere and wholehearted giving of oneself to another. It is not to be used to meet one’s needs- rather it should be thought of as one’s commitment to the other. 

When both spouses consider marriage sacred and each regards only his or her commitment to the spouse as important, with no expectation of payback, then a truly altruistic attitude permeates the relationship, and both partners benefit through a close spiritual intimacy. This is the way God intended it to be. But when couples lose sight of the other’s interests and start insisting on their own being fulfilled, many marriages begin to deteriorate.

Divorce cases are on the rise here in Africa and the rest of the world.  Politicians, celebrities, business moguls and even the anointed men and women of God are increasingly divorcing. What a shame. The question now is; do we still have beliefs, norms and values?

All couples disagree from time to time. In fact there are many today who, before getting married, fight about everything. They can’t agree about anything, except that they want to be married to each other. This is short-sighted, because it is often these same couples who cannot stand each other once they are married, because the issues they fought over before marrying were never resolved. Instead of the arguments ceasing, they intensify. So what’s the answer? Work it out. Don’t divorce -for God hates it.

No matter how badly two people disagree, they can still find some middle ground. Sometimes what’s needed is for each to put his or her pride and selfishness aside and defer to the other. On very rare occasions, there may be irreconcilable differences, but quite often those that appear to be, can be resolved.

I believe most of us studied Peace and Conflict Resolution in the University as a course? Fine – bring that knowledge into your marriage and make it work. You may ask me how! For instance, your spouse has an inbuilt latest snoring device – depriving you from sleeping every night and this is causing some sort of conflict in your marriage. The Peace and Conflict Resolution knowledge will help you stay awake while he or she snores, then you can continue your sleep from where he or she stops - hahahahaha.  Make it fun and not a boring marriage.  In few months, that snoring device will be like a soft Classical or Jazz music that you will enjoy while sleeping.

The overriding principle is that once two people have committed to each other, they should stay together and learn to get along, no matter how hard it is.  Marriage is two becoming one. The choice that was made may have been wrong, but that was the choice made. Perhaps the question ought to be “Am I the wrong one, and how can I become the right one for my spouse?” rather than “Oh, dear! Did I marry the wrong one?”

Concerning the subject of divorce, Malachi 2:16 states very clearly how God felt about it.
" 'For I hate divorce,' says the Lord, the God of Israel, 'and him who covers his garment with wrong,' says the Lord of Host. 'So take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously'."
In Matthew 19:3-6, where the Jews questioned Jesus about divorce being lawful for any cause, Jesus stated that from the beginning it was God's intention that marriage be lifelong and monogamous.
After Jesus stated God's position on divorce the Jews countered asking, "Why then did Moses command to give her a certificate and divorce her?" Jesus responded in Matthew 19:8 saying: "Because of the hardness of your heart, Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way." Restating God's original plan in Matthew 19:8, Jesus in Matthew 19:9 declared that, the man who puts away his wife and marries another is committing adultery. 

The book “The Other Woman In Marriage” is a touching life stories of alarming crumbling marriages put together by the author Israel Onoriode Ugbo.  It stressed on the followings; 1. Knowing Who To Marry 2. Protect Your Marriage 3. Strange Women and Men In Marriage 4. How God Feels About Divorce – the divorce cases on the rise in Africa and the rest of the world.  How Politicians, celebrities, business moguls, anointed men and women of God are increasingly divorcing.

It also prepares singles for marriage - Read the book “The Other Woman In Marriage” on

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